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Angela Bissell

New Zealand

Angela Bissell lives with her fabulous hubby and one crazy Ragdoll cat in the vibrant harbourside city of Wellington, New Zealand. She'll be quick to tell you that, despite the occasional hair-raising earthquake and its well-earned reputation for being the country's windiest city, its a pretty cool place to call home.

Like many an intrepid Kiwi, she did, however, succumb to the call of adventure in her twenties and with a wad of savings and a few meagre possessions strapped to her back, she took off on her Big OE (overseas experience), travelling around Europe and backpacking through Egypt, Israel, Turkey and the Greek Islands before settling down to live and work for a few years in London.

Now she lives back home in Aotearoa (Land of the Long White Cloud), never taking a day in her beautiful country for granted and loving the challenge of pursuing her writerly dreams.

And when she's not writing or plotting or having crazy conversations with characters in her head?

She enjoys her city and the home she and her husband built, spends time with family and friends, travels to places old and new, and generally indulges her incurable addictions to coffee, chocolate, Pinterest and, of course, all things romance!

Genres: Romance
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