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2 books added

Gayle Brandeis

Gayle holds a BA in "Poetry and Movement: Arts of Expression, Meditation and Healing" from the University of Redlands, and an MFA in Creative Writing/Fiction from Antioch University. She lives in Riverside, California, and is mom to two teenage kids.
   The Book of Dead Birds (2003)
   Self Storage (2007)
   My Life with the Lincolns (2010)
   Delta Girls (2010)
   The Book of Live Wires (2011)
   The Selfless Bliss of the Body (poems) (2017)
Novellas and Short Stories
   Cherry Cherry Cherry (2006)
   Collateral (2006)
Anthologies edited
   Magnolia (2011)
   Orangelandia (2014)
Non fiction show
Gayle Brandeis recommends
Josie and Vic (2023)
Debra Thomas
"Debra Thomas is a magician. Her artistry and empathy and gentle humor allow Josie and Vic, a novel grounded in the deepest of grief, to shine with hope, with compassion, with the reminder that connection and service offer us paths toward healing. An unforgettable, heart-filled, heart-filling novel."
Five-Part Invention (2022)
Andrea J Buchanan
"As its title suggests, Five-Part Invention is both complex and inventive, a symphonic exploration of identity, family, secrets, and art, a novel that crescendos like the most soul-stirring music. A piano teacher tells one of the characters, 'You must have both intention and technique, ' and Andrea J. Buchanan displays both in abundance here. This novel is an epic, ambitious composition, crafted with tremendous beauty and dexterity and heart. A masterpiece."
Annie and the Wolves (2021)
Andromeda Romano-Lax
"I've always held a special place in my heart for Annie Oakley, and Andromeda Romano-Lax has forever transformed my vision of the famous sharpshooter in such a fresh, deep, moving way. I love how this novel plays with the malleability of time--how trauma can alter it, how healing can transcend it, how human connection can enrich it immeasurably. Time disappeared as I read Annie and the Wolves--a compelling, unforgettable read."

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