P Djeli Clark's picture
335 books added

P Djèlí Clark

(Phenderson Djèlí Clark)
USA flag (b.1971)

P. Djèlí Clark is a writer of speculative fiction. Born in Queens, New York, he has lived alternatively in Staten Island, Brooklyn, Texas and the Caribbean. His stories have appeared in online publications such as Daily Science Fiction, Every Day Fiction, Heroic Fantasy Quarterly, and elsewhere. He has also contributed short stories to anthologies such as the Griots: A Sword and Soul Anthology and Griots: Sisters of the Spear, co-edited by Milton Davis and the pioneering Charles Saunders. Professionally, Clark is a doctoral candidate in history who focuses on issues of slavery and emancipation in the Atlantic World. He currently resides in Washington D.C., and ruminates on issues of diversity in speculative fiction at his blog The Disgruntled Haradrim.

Awards: Locus (2022), Nebula (2021)  see all

Genres: Children's Fiction, Fantasy
New and upcoming books
   Ring Shout (2020)
   The Dead Cat Tail Assassins (2024)
   Swift the Chase (2019) (with others)
Novellas and Short Stories
P Djèlí Clark recommends
A Stranger in the Citadel (2023)
Tobias S Buckell
"A Stranger in the Citadel is a powerful story that explores the strength of the written word and those who fear it. Tobias Buckell has crafted a disturbing and page-turning tale of banned books, outlaw librarians, killer angels, and world changing secrets--set in a far flung dystopian future that chillingly resonates with our present."
Shigidi and the Brass Head of Obalufon (2023)
Wole Talabi
"Wole Talabi brings us an imaginative tale of ancient deities with modern problems--where answering prayers and winning at the cut throat competition for adherents is the best way to maintain the bottomline. Shigidi is a richly written story of love between immortals, a high stakes supernatural heist, and a sweeping adventure across time, space, and perhaps realms of existence. This is godpunk, done with style. And I'm absolutely here for it!"
In the Lives of Puppets (2023)
TJ Klune
"In the Lives of Puppets is a powerful story of humanity and what survives after we're gone. Do the new inheritors of this earth forge a new path? Or are they destined to repeat the mistakes of their makers? TJ Klune has created an enchanting tale of Pinocchio in the end times, offering up hard truths alongside humor, kindness, love and, most important, hope."

More recommendations 

Books containing stories by P Djèlí Clark
The Year's Best African Speculative Fiction: 2022 (2023)
(Year's Best African Speculative Fiction)
edited by
Eugen Bacon, Milton Davis and Oghenechovwe Donald Ekpeki
Out There Screaming (2023)
An Anthology of New Black Horror
edited by
Jordan Peele

More books 

2022 Locus Award for Best First Novel : A Master of Djinn
2021 Nebula Award for Best Novel : A Master of Djinn

Award nominations
2024 Lodestar Award for Best Young Adult Book (nominee) : Abeni's Song
2022 World Fantasy Award for Best Novel (nominee) : A Master of Djinn
2022 Mythopoeic Fantasy Award for Adult Literature (nominee) : A Master of Djinn
2022 Hugo Award for Best Novel (nominee) : A Master of Djinn
2020 Mythopoeic Fantasy Award for Adult Literature (nominee) : The Haunting of Tram Car 015
2018 Nebula Award for Best Novella (nominee) : The Black God's Drums

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