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39 books added

M L Huie

M. L. Huie is a writer, teacher and actor. In addition to working ten years as a features journalist he has written several plays that have been performed throughout the US and in the UK. Like Livy Nash he loves the northwest of England and has a Yank's appreciation for a good Lancashire Hot Pot. Spitfire is his first novel.

Genres: Historical Mystery
Livy Nash Mystery
   1. Spitfire (2020)
   2. Nightshade (2020)
M L Huie recommends
A Botanist's Guide to Parties and Poisons (2022)
(Saffron Everleigh Mystery, book 1)
Kate Khavari
"I love Saffron Everleigh! In A Botanist's Guide to Parties and Poisons Kate Khavari gives us a gutsy ingenious heroine, academic intrigue, a scientifically suspenseful mystery and a Christie-like cast of characters. This is historical mystery--with a 21st century sensibility--at its best."

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