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27 books added

Hillary Jordan

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Hillary Jordan grew up in Dallas, Texas and Muskogee, Oklahoma. She received her BA in English and Political Science from Wellesley College and spent fifteen years working as an advertising copywriter before starting to write fiction. She got her MFA in Creative Writing from Columbia University.

Genres: Literary Fiction
   Mudbound (2008)
   When She Woke (2011)
Novellas and Short Stories
   Aftermirth (2012)
Anthologies edited
   Anonymous Sex (2022) (with Cheryl Lu-Lien Tan)
Hillary Jordan recommends
At the Edge of the Haight (2021)
Katherine Seligman
"This book pulled me deep into a world I knew little about, bringing the struggles of its young, homeless inhabitants—the kind of people we avoid eye contact with on the street—to vivid, poignant life. The novel demands that you take a close look. If you knew, could you still ignore, fear or condemn them? And knowing, how can you ever forget?"
The Second Mrs. Hockaday (2017)
Susan Rivers
"I gobbled this book up in one in luscious sitting, wishing I could slow down and savor the prose but too eager to find out what happened. Rivers is an unflinching truth teller. Her characters are deeply human, drawn with compassion and exquisite detail."

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