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Jo-Ann Mapson

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Jo-Ann Mapson is the author of eight books of mainstream fiction as well as many freelance articles, national book reviews, and has been included in several anthologies . Blue Rodeo was made into a CBS television movie starring Kris Kristofferson and Ann-Margret. Hank & Chloe, The Wilder Sisters, and Bad Girl Creek, were national bestsellers. Bad Girl Creek was a 2002 Booksense 76 pick, as well as an alternate selection for Doubleday, Literary Guild, and Book of the Month Clubs. It was also released in large print and unabridged audio for Chivers. Currently at work on a new novel, Mapson authors a monthly column on the writing life for Art Matters and teaches fiction in the MFA Program in Writing at UAA. Her former students include: mystery writer Earlene Fowler (the Benni Harper series), and mainstream writers Judi Hendricks ( Bread Alone -a Booksense 76 pick), and Joyce Weatherford ( The Heart of the Beast ). She lives and writes in Anchorage with her husband and five dogs.

Genres: General Fiction
Bad Girl Creek
   Blue Rodeo (1994)
   1. Bad Girl Creek (2001)
   2. Along Came Mary (2002)
   3. Goodbye, Earl (1995)
   Hank and Chloe (1993)
   Shadow Ranch (1996)
   Loving Chloe (1998)
   The Wilder Sisters (1999)
   The Owl & Moon Cafe (2006)
   Solomon's Oak (2010)
   Finding Casey (2012)
   Owen's Daughter (2014)
   Love, Fred Astaire (2017)
   Spooking the Horses (poems) (1991)
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Jo-Ann Mapson recommends
Spider Woman's Daughter (2013)
(Leaphorn, Chee and Manuelito, book 1)
Anne Hillerman
"Spider Woman’s Daughter is an intricately plotted, suspenseful, colorful, and unforgettable journey. Readers will fall in love with Bernie Manuelito and look forward to Anne Hillerman’s next effort in what should be a long, enjoyable, successful series. Her depiction of the Navajo Nation is spot on. I loved this book."

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